Motion 17: Councillor Jonathan Myerson (Labour, Clapham Town)
Commander Brian Paddick
Council notes that Commander Brian Paddick was suspended from his post as Borough Commander of Lambeth by the Metropolitan Policepending an investigation into allegations made against him. That inquiry has now completely exonerated Commander Paddick. Council therefore looks forward to Commander Paddick's return to his post as Borough Commander of Lambeth to continue his successful work in improving police-community relations in the Borough and calls on the Chief Executive to write to the Commissioner to request his reinstatement as Lambeth Borough Commander.
Over the last 18 months, street crime in Lambeth has fallen by 33% as a result of the hard work of the Metropolitan Police under the leadership ofCommander Paddick and Commander Brian Moore, who have taken full advantage of additional Government funding to increase the number of police officers in the Borough and engage with the proposal for community wardens, all of which form part of the Government's successful anti-crime strategy. Council congratulates Commander Paddick and Acting Commander Moore for their part in these significant improvements, and also recognises the contribution made by the Council's own officers.
Amendment 1: Councillor Charles Anglin. (LD Prince’s Ward)
Delete all and replace with:
Council welcomes the clearing of Commander Brian Paddick in the internal Metropolitan Police investigation.
Council notes the appointment of the Lambeth Police Borough Commander is an operational matter for the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.
Council regrets the total failure of the previous Labour administration to work with the Commander Paddick and the local police when he was actually in post as Borough Commander.
Council congratulates the Lambeth Community Safety Partnership on the vastly improved working relationship between all key partner organizations since the local elections in May 2002
Council supports the determination of the joint Liberal Democrat/Conservative administration to work closely with whoever is appointed to the permanent position in Lambeth.